Friday, May 20, 2016

Japan - Day 0 - Star Wars and Generosity

“I’ve been on a double decker bus. I was only 6 and cant remember it. But what is a double decker plane?” 

“I dont know, I’ve only heard of them.”

“I bet it’s like a jumbo jet!” 

Im in SFO, hoping to extend my layover long enough to rendezvous with my friend and lover -- lets just call him Robert. Timing hasn't work out. My layover was too short and too early,  so I'd volunteered my ticket as tribute, in case there was overbooking on the flight. Airlines will pay you to take a later flight, if they overbook your flight and you help them out in a pickle.

The attendant seemed surprised and thanked me, but noted that my volunteering was unneeded. I left for some Spanakopita from a poorly run greek establishment (no way, right?) I funnelled a beer (Sean once said this was cool to do when you travel - typical Sean) and returned to a big ass line for boarding.


“Just checking in before I get on. You do not need my ticket”?

“No — but — yes, come here. I want to thank you for your generosity. You're upgraded to international business class.”


I board, looking for 13J.

“That’s on the upper deck of the plane, sir” 

*escorts me up the stairs*

DOUBLE DECKER PLANE!!! UPPER DECK!!! OH, the places you will go! 

The air up here is predictably refined. Here are a few pics I snapped, before I phone kamikazed, as is its wont these days, apparently. POS. Hope it works for the rest of this trip.  


I recently came into a collection of rare Han Solo novellas and these are my reading for the flight. Im def in a SW mood, dig. I check out the in-flight movies and one of the sections is Star Wars Series. They have all seven Star Wars! Cool! Star Wars, Star Wars, Star Wars, which one do I pick? The rancor (VI) is a natural but I am the rancoUr, you see, and Im not bound to my primogenitor - athankyou. 

So I scroll to other in-flight selections and I check out Classics — only Star Wars movies LOL — but not ALL seven SW movies made the cut as “classics.” Consider the selection: Phantom Menace, New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi. 

I chose the most complete Star Wars adventure — The Phantom Menace. 

The Phantom Menace has had so many wonderful tie-ins which add depth to an already-deep movie and its the illuminati entry of all the films. Darth Jar Jar — say no more. The Darth Plagueis novel tie-in — marry me. The Pod Racer Game — take control. The music score is 100% the best and there are A LOT of cool images! The imagery is not always presented with the emphasis it deserves, but there is enough depth to the composition and coloring to keep you busy.

Episode I is a tragic shortcoming; the director-producer team (George Jong Lucas) failed to make a fundamentally sound film. I once turned in a 13 page paper in 7th grade and got a C on it. That is Phantom Menace. Among the wounded are the choices in camera angles, acting, written dialogue, character connecting, and then Qui Gon dies from a stab wound but Maul survives being cut in half and falling down an abyss. This is a film only a motherfucker could love. 

BUT GUESS WHAT. The motherfucker next to me saw that I put on Phantom Menace and he is ALSO now watching the Phantom Menace LOL! How fortuitous and serendipitous has this trip been, already. I know a large % of my audience has not embarked on many trips such as this and they terrify me as much as they do, you. The second you step out on a trip such as this, though, you wreak of adventure (you cannot hide it in your air and body language) and people step in to make your day, as you make theirs.

Im sorry I could not see my lover in SF - but here I am in business class, reclining, just ate a literal 5 course meal, topped off by a RAF scoop of vanilla ice-cream w caramel, cherries, walnuts, heavy cream, and coffee, and the Phantom Menace. I have already reached the pinnacle, with far to go.

Update: Watching the Battle of Hoth during airplane turbulence is actually really cool and like a 4D movie experience.

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