I usually just post my travel content but this trip my travel writing seems to have blended with my diary writing. I haven't been journaling enough. Journaling while you travel is like writing down the details of a dream. A dream is ephemeral and turns to sand when you wake. No matter how you cup your hands or hold on to it, the details blow away and are largely lost to the waking mind's recall. Only by writing those details down can you measure them. Travel is the same way. There's so much going on and it's so easy to go with the flow. Travel is laced with discomfort but also pleasure. By these two drivers, the mind is drawn away from introspection.
These last days have been a whirl. I'm definitely taking a break from drinking. I drank Thursday night and Saturday night. The bars here are filled with kids and alcoholics getting fucked up. It's fun, but there's a place for that -- and it's not in my life every day.
I met a man on the street whose vibe I really like. He seems to be a really kind, intelligent bum. Marshall is originally from Iowa but has been living around the world for a long time. Last night I asked him if he ever misses the life he moved away from: the one in Iowa with friends and family. He says no, and that Iowa just is not home to him.
Marshall makes his living by selling Chai Tea and Mojitos while he sits on the side of the road near the touristy downtown. He lights a few candles and basically just is super kind, and so people hang out with him and drink his Chai Tea and Mojitos. Often musicians will sit and play music. I've heard some extremely talented guitarists sitting at Marshall's roadside establishment. Ill post a picture of Marshall if he gives me permission.
Price Shopping and Gouging
Money has been difficult here. There are plenty of opportunities to over-spend. Prices are pretty much different everywhere you go and I lack knowledge and time-spent to know where to spend my money. The result has been I've gotten taken advantage of -- not hugely -- a few times.
For example, I had been purchasing 8 gallon bottles of water from one corner store for 20 Quetzales (About $2.50). I tried a different corner store today and purchased 20 Gallons for 10 Quetzales! Jesus. She gave me the price and I was floored and purchased immediately.
I'm a big fan of shopping in the local markets. I love the energy and deals. I can't wait to visit tomorrow.
Exchanging $$$ has been very hard here on lake Atitlan, especially when I'm not in the major lakeside city-town, Panajachel. Ive had to transact with local tour companies who will change your money but at an inferior rate.
- Agency #1: "you have small bills ($20s). We can only offer you 6.5 Quetzales per dollar.
- Agency #2: "you have small bills ($20s). We can offer you 7 Quetzales per dollar.
- Bank Across the Lake: We can offer you 7.56 Quetzales per dollar.
Further, I've been unable to withdraw any money because no ATMs seem to offer cash withdrawls on credit cards and my dumbass forgot to bring debit cards.
Young People
I went out and partied on my first Thursday in San Pedro. I went to a quite crazy establishment called Mr. Mullet's Party Hostel (I think). That night I met a bartender with whom I felt a fast connection. She was tall with blond hair, blue eyes, and a strong jaw; quintessentially German. I met Louise that night and we chatted for a bit before going our separate ways.
Three days later, on Saturday at a different bar, Louise joined my table with a group of friends; apparently a friend-of-a friend - sort of thing.
I had been at the bar meeting with a friend, Kayla. The energy between Kayla was purely platonic, but it was kind of crazy. Definitely a kindred spirit. Our conversation quickly evolved into mock yelling and lots of wild gesticulation. It was fun to hang out with Kayla. She was a UFC superfan, and it was kind of awesome to meet a girl who just knew way more about combat sports than I did.
I'm not sure if I want to broach this subject, but YOLO I reckon. I am attracting people who are classically in personality disorder relationships. Meaning, I have met ppl w personality disorders as well as care-taking types, freshly out of relationships with one. I have quite an eye for these people, and I have been one of them.
Kayla was such a person. I'd also met another guy who'd exited such a relationship as well as somebody with a disorder.
Anyway, Kayla and I basically spent the whole evening arguing - loudly - with animation. There is no doubt in my mind that Louise picked up on my presence at the other side of the table.
On Louise's side of the table, she was cloistered by attractive men: all in their early 20's, wearing fashionable, airy clothing; apparently some sort of friend group. Her demeanor changed. The easy smile she'd worn had turned into a tight-lipped german grimace. The same one appeared on each of her friends' faces. Their group was all sorts of restrained and, as an old man, I recognize the power of group conformity as well as what it's like to not be comfortable acting according to what's in your heart. Louise and her squad was all sorts of restrained.
Kayla and I spent the night yelling at eachother and eventually the night went on, UFC ended, and we departed from the bar. On the way out, I said goodbye to the other half of our table -- Louise and her merry men. I said goodbye to Louise, specifically, and I looked to see if there was any recognition on her face. There was not.
Louise is a sign of the dichotomous nature of this city: foolish 20-somethings who dont know themselves and the floating single people with whomst I vibe: Marshall and Kayla.
Summer Camp Musings
Why isnt this the path I expected? Really, I thought I'd be in San Marcos. This place where I am is familiar enough that I feel comfortable on the path. I am more comfortable than Theo is comfortable with. I did not come on this trip to float away. I came on this trip to learn trust...
How is that going? Problems are emergent. That's nothing new. My hotel seems to have overcharged me. There's a street urchin whos taken a liking to me and I sense his intentions are less than genuine; rather, I don't trust his judgement, whatsoever. He's a bit of an idiot. Nice, but I am not comfortable with a fumbler in my inner circle. I will let the hotel matter go. What they did is low-down but there's little that can be done at this time. I need to be careful and mindful. I cant do that if Im out getting schwasted.
Im not rushing this process. The synchronicities indicate I'm in the right place. It's not what I thought I'd get, but one of my favorite sayings is that no plan survives first contact.
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